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Notice : You're in a development window! I'm actively making changes to the site currently. Beware of oddities, including repeated authentication. -Josh
My Mission

I am eager to pursue the available Flight Controller position for Barrios’ Integrated Mission Operations Contract. I have nearly three years’ experience as an exemplary software engineer within Swampfox Technologies. Before my professional career began, I worked myself through university as a Resident Assistant and a Lineman in our city airport. Each of these roles involve responsibilities which are unpredictable and unrestricted to a business day. Each of these opportunities have prepared me for the late night phone call of an industry that does not sleep.

Outside of incident response, as a software engineer at Swampfox Technologies I developed the flagship tool ‘Swampfox Power’- a modularized variant of our primary product intended to market towards domestic power companies. Being in a smaller office, the limitations of our staff obliged each of us to “wear many hats”- this made me not only responsible for the creation of SF Power’s call flow library and Postgres backend development, but hands-on testing as we progressed towards a customer deployment. I also deployed this product to the production, staging, and development servers after completing Apache Tomcat configurations. This product launch, cutover and hypercare were also successful under my responsibility. Alongside product development we also facilitated the training of engineers within other companies to support our product: this entails building rapport and work relationships with engineers sometimes continents away. Training these contacts, receiving their feedback on my development products, and joining them in troubleshooting calls has been the most impactful experience in my early professional career: developing relations as well as software, and supporting people as well as products.

With your consideration, I would like to contribute to the mission in your hands. I am a comfortable interface between engineer and business, a developer familiar with heads-down deadlines, a support member familiar with the human and technical hurdles of an advanced workplace. I hope to be a familiar coworker and friend in the coming weeks.

I have a degree in Computer Sciences and another in Aerospace Engineering from my state university. I have been programming for the majority of my life, and I am constantly grateful for the opportunities delivered to me by my curiosity. Moreso I am inspired by the work that you and your coworkers do- even if I do not join the halls of your facilities, I am truly appreciative for the spirit that your industry and team bring to everyone.

Thank you for your consideration.

Joshua Anthony Dark