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Thanks for visiting my site, If you're associated with the SC State Parks, please enter the code 'SC' below. Otherwise, please look to the right of your provided QR access code or site url on my provided resume for your Party Authentication Code (PAC). If you do not have an access code, please reach me at the contact information provided or use the Family and Friends access 'FF.'

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Notice : You're in a development window! I'm actively making changes to the site currently. Beware of oddities, including repeated authentication. -Josh
My Mission

I am eager to pursue the available Application Developer position within the South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism. Bringing extensive product development and deployment experience, I hope to not only find an enduring career, but to repay your choice in me with quality and timely deliverables. In my previous professional role I developed my employers’ flagship product “SF Power” to deliver our existing call-center solutions in a modular format to power companies nationwide. This development process began with customer feedback from our largest contracts, collaborative conversations with myself and other engineering resources regarding support needs for existing customer environments, and daily standups to carry that collaboration from conversations to Jira boards. Having worked with a smaller team before, the limitations of our staff obliged each of us to “wear many hats”- this made me not only responsible for the creation of SF Power’s call flow library and Postgres backend development, but hands-on testing as we progressed towards a customer deployment. I also deployed this product to the production, staging, and development servers after completing Apache Tomcat configuration. This product launch, cutover and hypercare were also successful under my responsibility. I am extremely grateful for the three years provided to me by my previous employer, and hope to bring to your office the hard-earned skills of those years.

With your consideration, I would like to continue my progress as a Software Engineer and a coworker. From our brief introduction the week prior, I understand there is a large overhaul of .Net webapps in front of your team for the next two years. Though I do not have direct experience with this conversion to ColdFusion, I am familiar with adapting to challenges and new languages without hindering professional progress. I am a comfortable interface between engineer and business, a developer familiar with heads-down deadlines, and I hope to be a familiar coworker and friend in the coming weeks. South Carolina has been my home for all my life; born in Charleston and educated across the street at the University of South Carolina. I hold an annual pass with the state parks and frequent Sesqui and Table Rock. When the pressures of deadlines and monitor-migraines begin to approach, I have always found relief in the parks that your work displays. Please allow me to contribute to what you have accomplished so far

Thank you for your consideration.

Joshua Anthony Dark