Party Authentication

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Thanks for visiting my site, If you're associated with the SC State Parks, please enter the code 'SC' below. Otherwise, please look to the right of your provided QR access code or site url on my provided resume for your Party Authentication Code (PAC). If you do not have an access code, please reach me at the contact information provided or use the Family and Friends access 'FF.'

Thank you again for stopping by!

Notice : You're in a development window! I'm actively making changes to the site currently. Beware of oddities, including repeated authentication. -Josh
Joshua Dark

Looks like there was an issue fetching my pfp, check your connection
Looks like there was an issue fetching my pfp, check your connection
Looks like there was an issue fetching my pfp, check your connection
(pending a professional headshot)

First, thank you for taking the time to visit this site. There is still work to do, but it's been a joy to make. I'm a software engineer with three years of professional experience designing, building, testing and deploying callcenter solutions for domestic and international customers. These clients range from healthcare industries to the titans of our energy grid. I have had an amazing experience working as a contractor within Swampfox Technologies, but I am now looking for new opportunities for professional growth. I hope to give to you the expertise that has been instilled in me, and together we can make fantastic things.

I have been developing java applications professionally for three years, but I've competed in Ludum Dare challenges primarily in java since early 2011. I didn't begin coding as a means to a job, but instead found incredible satisfaction in the process of seeing ideas develop into real applications- seeing the inevitable resolution of puzzling challenges through inventive solutions. I spend a large amount of my own free time pursuing personal projects, historically c# mesh manipulation in the Unity3d engine. Recently I have been transitioning back into competitive hackathons, becoming more familiar with enumeration tools such as nmap and gobuster's advanced configurations, as I recently placed in the OWASP CTF.


University of South Carolina | Bachelors of Science in Computer Science (BSCS)

Completed in 2022, graduating with a BSCS, an application area in embedded systems and concentrations in Artificial Intelligence and Information Security. I completed two undergraduate research assignments within the AI Insitute of UofSC, completed a mentorship with the Charleston cybersecurity company Soteria, and completed a capstone project utilizing a django webapp with postgres backend to create a personal grocer application and website.

University of South Carolina | Bachelors of Engineering in Aerospace Engineering (BEAE)

Completed in 2023, I graduated with leadership distinction with a BE in Aerospace Engineering. My capstone project and McNair undergraduate research both concerned sonic 'thuds'- focusing on the reduction of atmospheric waves propagating from vacuums formed in the boundary layer on supersonic models.

(this site is a work in progress, please bear with me!)